Other Forms
If you are looking for a form and cannot find it here or at any of the other links above, please contact staff of the Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement (refer to the contacts link to the right of this page for details of staff responsibilities).
External Panellist Nomination form This form is used to nominate External Panel members for validation and review events. Please note the criteria for nomination.
Annual Monitoring Report form
The Annual Monitoring template and guidance notes for 2022 will be added to the website in Spring 2022. Questions in the meantime can be directed to Dawn Martin, Assistant Secretary, Governance and Quality Enhancement.
Module Evaluation form Form for student feedback on modules This form can be administered through the Hub.
Module Evaluation - additional questions Module co-ordinators may wish to tailor the evaluation form to suit the needs of their own module. A bank of alternative questions is provided in this document.
Assessment Feedback for Students
PAT meeting templates
Forms for initial PAT meeting and subsequent PAT meetings
Peer Observation form Peer observation form for academic staff, including record of observation form
Recognition of Prior Learning Forms
Please refer to our Recognition of Prior Learning webpage for more detail.
RPL Application Form (Advanced Standing)
RPL Application Form (Prior Certificated Learning)
RPL Application Form (Prior Experiential Learning)
Examples of Completed RPL Forms
Curriculum Vitae
Standard CV forms for use by academic staff for promotions, validations and programme review. Full-length Abbreviated
Finance Forms
These are available from the staff Intranet under Services, Finance
Human Resources Forms (including VL payment forms)
These are available from the staff Intranet under
Estates Forms
These are available from the staff Intranet under Facilities Services
Please note: the Intranet is only accessible to 花椒直播 staff.