Quality Contacts
If you require further information, please contact:
Dawn Martin Assistant Secretary, Governance and Quality Enhancement dmartin1@qmu.ac.uk
- Co-ordination of activities in support of operational and strategic plans
- Institutional review and audit
- Quality assurance and enhancement related policies, regulations and procedures
- Secretary to the Student Experience Committee and Portfolio Development Group
Taught Programmes and Graduate School
Alison Basford-Thomson Graduate School Officer: AThomson@qmu.ac.uk
- Oversight of all administration related to the Graduate School
- Secretary to the Graduate School Academic Board
- Maintenance of the Graduate School website
- Enhancement activities in relation to GSAB
Lucy Hinds Quality Enhancement Officer: LHinds@qmu.ac.uk
- Co-ordination of activities in relation to validation and review events
- Oversight of Research Ethics and Secretary to the Research Ethics Panel
- Tracking External Examiner reports and responses
- Providing support and advice in relation to the Graduate School
Martyna Napierska Policy Officer (Quality Enhancement):MNapierska@qmu.ac.uk
- Co-ordination of activities in relation to validation and review events
- Secretary to the Learning and Teaching Panel
Tracking External Examiner reports and responses
Providing support and advice in relation to the Graduate School
Partnership Development
Sheila Adamson Partnership Development Manager: sadamson@qmu.ac.uk
- Advice on setting up new collaborative programmes
- Advice on the management of collaborative programmes, including regulations and procedures
- Arrangements for overseas exam boards, joint boards of studies and validations
- Arrangements for UK joint boards of studies
- Memoranda of Agreement
Kirsty Donnelly Senior Partnership Development Officer: kwilson@qmu.ac.uk
- Advice on setting up new collaborative programmes
- Advice on the management of collaborative programmes, including regulations and procedures
- Arrangements for overseas exam boards, joint boards of studies and validations
- Arrangements for UK joint boards of studies
- Memoranda of Agreement
- Setting up partner IT accounts
Retention and Surveys
Heather Hartley Student Retention Data Insights Manager: hhartley@qmu.ac.uk
Co-ordination of activities to support the retention outcomes in the University鈥檚 Outcome Agreement
- Support and advice for students who are deferring or thinking of leaving
- National Student Survey
- Internal surveys including the Entrants' Survey, 花椒直播 Student Survey and Partner Organisations' Student Survey
- Student representation
Martyna Brewczyk Student Experience Data Officer: mbrewczyk@qmu.ac.uk
- Supporting the above tasks, namely survey administration, data analysis, and responding to e-mails regarding student deferrals and withdrawals.
Legal and Compliance
Cara Dickson Legal Adviser and Data Protection Officer: cdickson1@qmu.ac.uk
- Student Appeals, Discipline and Fitness to Practice
- Complaints and Disputes Handling
- UKVI Compliance
- Freedom of Information and Data Protection
- Advice on contractual and IP matters
- General governance and compliance advice
Policy Advisor (Governance and Compliance)
- Assisting the University Secretary in governance and statutory compliance matters for the University
- Co-ordinating the business of Court and its committees
- Secretary to the Health and Safety Committee and the Equality and Diversity Committee
- Freedom of Information and Data Protection
- UKVI Compliance
Postal address:
Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement
花椒直播 Drive
East Lothian,
EH21 6UU
Tel. 0131 474 0000