Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education
Christopher Green is a Lecturer in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) within the Psychology, Sociology and Education Division.
- Overview
- Research Interests
- Teaching and Learning
I joined 花椒直播 in August 2019, just before the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes began.
Prior to joining 花椒直播 I worked with young people with additional support needs (ASN), latterly as the Headteacher of an independent ASN school. This allowed me to work within both primary and secondary education, across multiple local authorities, with a variety of professional partners, such as social work departments and educational psychologists.
Throughout both my own teaching and now in my role training teachers, I have always had a passion for creative pedagogy and inclusive practice. Making education both accessible and engaging for all young people is at the heart of my practice.
My journey in education has always involved the outdoors in some capacity and continues to do so. Along with one of my colleagues, I run training for our students in the Forest and Outdoor Learning Awards (FOLA), which sits within a module called Sustainable Human Behaviour, for which I am the module leader.
Within 花椒直播 my role is ever evolving, with inputs on both post graduate and undergraduate courses, ranging from numeracy to classroom management and inclusive practice. I also have interests in the use of technology within education and I am currently working in collaboration with colleagues to develop appropriate resources and training to ensure our trainee teachers feel confident in including technology within their curriculum delivery
Research Overview
Currently studying Masters in Research (Education), with a focus on Outdoor Learning.
Active research interests:
Creative and innovative pedagogy
Learning for sustainability
Sustainable consumption
Outdoor Learning
I am currently the Module Leader for Education Studies, Sustainable Human Behaviour, Creativity and Culture in the 21st Century. I also deliver Forest and Outdoor Learning Award training.