Dr Michele Hardiman (PhD, MA(Health Mgt), HDip, RGN,RPN FFNMRCSI) is an Honorary Lecturer in the聽Nursing Division. She is also a Member of the Centre for Person-centred Practice Research.
- Overview
I am an experienced nursing leader with focus on quality and clinical standards and bringing evidence into practice. I am passionate about person-centred practice using emancipatory practice development techniques to enable practitioners and teams to develop knowledge and skills to change the culture and context of care in all healthcare environments.聽
My PhD focused on facilitation of person centred leadership in nursing. I developed a new framework for work-place facilitation. My thesis entitled 鈥淯sing two models of work-place facilitation to create the conditions for development of a person-centred culture: A PAR Study鈥 and associated models are currently being used in healthcare settings both nationally and internationally.聽聽
I am a strong and strategic nursing leader with extensive experience in healthcare and hospital leadership, practice development and research. I have a wide range of clinical experience over a 37-year career. I am passionate about driving care standards and facilitating person centred cultures in healthcare.聽聽
Affiliations (and memberships) to external organisations:
- Practice Development, Education and Research Facilitator, Galway Clinic, Ireland聽
- Associate member of International Community of Practice of Person-centred Research (PcP-ICoP) based at 花椒直播. 聽
- Member Sigma Theta Tau 鈥 Omega Epsilon at Large Chapter RCSI Dublin聽
- Fellow of Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.聽聽