
Appendix 3 - Graduates Attributes

GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES - applicable to all »¨½·Ö±²¥ programmes (undergraduate and postgraduate) with effect from January 2022

»¨½·Ö±²¥ Graduate Attributes


Active Learner

Investigative and curious

  • You are willing to ask questions and don’t automatically accept statements of fact without evidence.
  • Where there is a gap in knowledge or a question is unanswered, you have the skills to investigate.
  • You are confident in your ability to find information, making use of library and digital literacy skills, and understanding which sources of evidence are the most reliable.

Critical and analytical

  • You have the ability to evaluate an argument critically, challenging the inferences and assumptions lying behind it and relating it to existing knowledge in the field.
  • When you have to deal with a large amount of complex information or evidence, you have the skills to synthesise it, see patterns and come to conclusions based on the data.

Lifelong learner

  • You are committed to lifelong learning and keen to develop new skills as you need them.
  • You are able to identify gaps in your own knowledge and take steps to address them.
  • You adapt to new circumstances and ways of working and change your practices accordingly.


Personal growth

Resilient and adaptable

  • You are able to cope with setbacks and maintain your self-belief.
  • You don’t fear failure but treat it as a learning experience.
  • You are open to change and can think on your feet as circumstances evolve.

Self aware and critically reflective

  • You have a good understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses and how to get the best out of yourself.
  • You reflect critically on your own actions and seek to make continuous improvements.
  • If you have made a mistake you are willing to acknowledge it and learn from it.


Effective communicator

  • You are able to communicate verbally and in writing, adapting your style to suit different audiences and situations.
  • In discussions, you can introduce your opinions in ways that add value to the conversation without diminishing others.
  • You recognise the need to listen actively in order to understand other people’s concerns and viewpoints.

Emotionally intelligent

  • You understand how to work with others effectively, and how to build relationships of trust.
  • You recognise other people’s emotions and know how to respond appropriately.
  • You contribute positively to creating supportive networks that enable others to flourish.


Career progression

Ready to apply skills and knowledge

  • You understand how to apply your subject-specific skills and knowledge to real life situations.
  • You are able to make connections between academic theory and the real world context.

Ethical and professional

  • You understand what is expected of you in terms of ethical and professional behaviour.
  • You take responsibility for your own actions and behaviour.
  • You recognise the boundaries between the personal and the professional and what that means for the way you interact with people at work.

Independent and willing to seek guidance

  • You are capable of working independently without supervision.
  • You take responsibility for your own work and will act proactively to address issues as appropriate.
  • You can manage your workload effectively, understanding which activities to prioritise in order to meet deadlines.
  • You recognise the limits of your knowledge and will seek guidance when needed.

Collaborative team member

  • You understand your role within a wider team and take responsibility for your contribution to meeting common goals.
  • You assist others in the team by sharing your knowledge and expertise.


Making a difference

Creative problem solver

  • You are able to identify and analyse problems, coming up with innovative solutions.
  • You are willing to experiment and also to reflect critically on the success of new ideas, in order to make further improvements for the future.

Willing to lead and innovate

  • You are willing to challenge received wisdom and find better ways of doing things.
  • You are ready to take the initiative and take on new responsibilities.
  • You have the confidence to take the lead and persuade others to your viewpoint.

Advocate of sustainability and social justice

  • You recognise the need for social, economic and environmental sustainability and factor that into decision-making.
  • You appreciate how your actions relate to wider society and their possible impact in terms of equality, inclusion and social justice.
  • Where relevant, you stand up for people who are vulnerable or marginalised.

Inclusive and respectful of difference

  • You appreciate that people come from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures and welcome the value and richness that this brings.
  • You are willing to take steps to learn more about cultures and beliefs that are different from your own.
  • You seek to involve people from all cultures and backgrounds in your work and decision-making.


External context

Shaping a better world – locally and globally

  • You understand how you and your work relate to the local, national and global context.
  • You are aware of how wider agendas and political decisions can affect your local area or professional life.
  • You have the skills and confidence to contribute to shaping a better world.
