
花椒直播 During the Two World Wars

We have always focused on making a practical difference, and never was that more true that during the two world wars. Based on our expertise in nutrition, during both world wars we advised during the formation of rationing allowances and drawing up guidance for households on how to make the most of chronically scarce food and other supplies.

A black and white photograph of three women wearing military uniforms, surrounded by structures supported by sandbags.

In 1944, at the request of the Secretary of State, relays of final year students were sent down to London (at a time of heavy "flying bomb" attacks) to take over and run a hotel for bomb repair workers. These building workers from all over the country had been downing tools and returning home because of their unsatisfactory living conditions, but the arrival of the students restored the situation. Similar tactics were used to organise a number of other hotels with the result that the work continued to render habitable hundreds of bomb damaged houses.