Ms Shirley Coyle (BSc Hons, HND, Higher National, Nat Cert, HNC, NC) is a听Senior Microbiology Technician in the School of Health Sciences Division.
- Overview
- Research Interests
- Research Publications
- Teaching & Learning
- Activities & Awards
Provide both specialised (microbiological) and general technical support for; teaching, research and knowledge transfer activities for the school of Health Sciences. Development of new assays, experimental design, problem solving and analysis and interpretation of results in both teaching and research. Consultancy to external commercial companies with which 花椒直播 have undertaken collaborative research and product development.
I have previously taught microbiology in practical sessions and lectures as a visiting lecturer, to students in the areas of Dietetics, Nutrition, Public Health Nutrition, Pharmacology, Human Biology, Nursing and Podiatry.
Demonstrating within taught laboratory sessions and assisting with student enquiries during these sessions. Supervising day to day activities of student projects of both undergraduate and post graduate students, including PhD level. These demonstration and supervisory duties include overseeing correct protocols are used to ensure experimental integrity as well as user safety.
Providing specific training to ensure the safe and proper use of apparatus including troubleshooting of sensitive instruments. Writing and monitoring health and safety documents associated with laboratory chemicals, apparatus and activities. General training of all personnel accessing containment laboratories. These activities include high pressure steam autoclaving, aseptic techniques, centrifugation, spectrophotometry and basic good laboratory practices.
Controlling the use of and handling of infectious materials held within containment laboratories. Day to day operational support and maintenance of teaching and research laboratories. Control and disposal of infectious waste.
Occasionally called upon to edit and review new teaching materials.
Affiliations/Memberships to Other Organisations:
- General Council of University of Glasgow
- Institute of Biological and Life Sciences (Glasgow)
The application and efficiency of plant essential oils and honeys as topical treatments against wound infecting pathogens. This includes the modulation of protein expression particularly toxin expression and bacterial cell membrane influences. The development of impregnated dressings for which a patent will be submitted.
Active Research Interests:
- Cell morphology, protein, protein regulation, microbial pathogenesis and microbial toxins
Research Methods:
- Viable counting, microscopy, protein analysis, spectrophotometry, drug sensitivity via agar diffusion and in vitro growth.